Make a difference is the life of children like Brian today!
Your donations will make it possible to continue to deliver equine assisted activities and therapies when REINS Rides Again in 2021
$21,910 raised
$30,000 goal
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
REINS has been serving people with disabilities since 1982. In 1985 at the age of 9, Brian began riding with REINS. 35 years later he continues to receive quality services and support from the REINS community. In 2021, REINS will serve 112 participants, 34 of them will be 9 or younger.
Your gift will make it possible for them to begin and continue on a lifelong journey. Like Brian and his mother Marie, they will reach new milestones, build lasting friendship, be part of a caring and supportive community and experience the power of the horse human relationship.
The years of REINS trophies in Brian’s room and home are a visual reminder that this is Brian’s sport. While others look forward to basketball or baseball, Brian looks forward to REINS.
“To me REINS is the very best therapy and to Brian the very best sport; all wrapped up in one powerful, magical, super fantastic hour. We love Brian’s horseback riding sport called REINS.” Marie Schwinn
Your gifts will go twice as far when you give today. We have received $3,000 in gifts from generous donors. So help them help us to help Brian and so many others. We are all looking forward to 2021 when REINS RIDES AGAIN! We can't do it without you.
Thank you for your support.