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Sponsor a Therapy Horse, Change Lives

The strong bond between horse and client makes healing possible

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Reaching therapy goals one hoofbeat at a time.

The hugs given at the end of the lesson. The debate among riders as to who the horse likes best. The secret messages shared whispered through mane and fuzzy ears. The tears shed at the end of a season. The excitement shared as seemingly impossible goals are met. All these magical moments are shared with every therapy horse in our program.

A severely autistic girl stops banging her head and finds peace on the back of a horse. A child finds his first words while trotting. A mother witnesses her son during riding demonstrate thinking skills she was told would be impossible for him. A young man builds strength while riding and progresses from wheel chair, to walker, to braces. A young girl replaces her fear of animals with the love of a pony. Our equine therapist are part of these and many other life changing stories.

Perhaps it goes without saying but "No Horse No Equine Therapy". That would be sad indeed. Please consider sponsoring a horse for a day, a week, a month or the entire 28 week season. Join the magic that happens in the presence of these magnificent animals. THANK YOU